Fr. Michael L. Gelfant, Director of Religious Education / Pastor
Ms. Carol Verdi, Director of Religious Education
Students enrolled in a Catholic Academy and opting to receive the sacraments with their school are required to obtain permission from the pastor.
The Office of Faith Formation at Blessed Trinity Parish serves the entire Roxbury, Rockaway Point and Breezy Point community by providing various programs designed to assist in the deepening of your faith. Our current programs are:
Adult Faith Formation
A program designed to address the dual focus of faith enrichment – information and formation. By using the mediums of lecture series, discussion groups, bible study, prayer groups, retreats, liturgy, ritual and renewal sessions this program assists in providing a reflective anchor for further faith development.
Religious Education for Children
A program for children attending public or non-Catholic schools who are in kindergarten through 8th. It is in this matriculating program that the faculty and staff assist parents in introducing their children to the Catholic faith and in preparing them for the sacraments of Reconciliation, Eucharist, and Confirmation.
Order of Christian Initiation for Adults (OCIA) and modified for Children
This program has a threefold purpose – 1) to prepare non-Christian adults and older children for entry into the Roman Catholic faith, 2) to prepare non-Catholic, baptized Christians for a full profession of the Roman Catholic faith, and 3) to assist baptized Roman Catholics with the completion of their Sacraments of Initiation or to provide a refresher course for fully initiated Catholics who are returning to the Church after a prolonged absence.
Baptismal Preparation
Have you just been blest with a child? This programs is designed to remind you that birth is so much more than secular realities. The family is the basic unit of the Church, the building block upon which everything else is built – it is vitally important to understand how you fit into the larger picture of Christ’s mystical body. Baptism Schedule