We celebrate the Sacrament of Baptism on the Second Saturday of the month at 12:30pm and the Fourth Sunday of month at 1:00pm.
Parents need to attend a formation class on the Rite of Baptism, held at St. Thomas More Rectory.
Please open the link below for Infant Baptism Information and call the rectory to prepare for preparing for your child’s baptism
At St. Thomas More Saturday 4:00 PM
Or by appointment. Also you may approach any of the priests after Mass.
We distribute the Holy Eucharist at each Mass. Check the homepage for Mass schedule.
Contact the rectory (718-634-6357) if you are homebound and would still like to receive the Holy Eucharist.
Must register for Religious Education or RCIA Program
Please call the rectory for updated information in regards to Diocese of Brooklyn’s guidelines for Confirmation.
To prepare adequately for the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony, the couple to be married must call the rectory to arrange an appointment with a priest at least Six Months before the marriage date.
Couples must also participate in the Diocesan Pre-Cana program.
See more information call the rectory (718-634-6357) and visit the Pre-Cana website: https://www.bqonlineformation.org/
Please download and fill out the marriage prep forms and bring to the rectory when you have your first visit with one of the priests.
Marriage Preparation Forms
Diocese of Brooklyn's Engages Couples Outline of Meetings
In case of sudden illness or emergency call the rectory immediately,
For those of advanced age, physically challenged or seriously ill, contact the rectory to arrange for the Anointing of the Sick. Also we can provide the Sacraments of Penance and Holy Communion.
If you are attending daily Mass and wish to be anointed please see the priest after Mass, he will gladly anoint you!
if you are under going an operation procedure and wish to be anointed please see one of the priest after Mass, as he will gladly anoint you before the operation, in most cases, right away in Church
See or call (718-634-6357) Father Gelfant or Father Falce at any time.
For more information visit he Diocese of Brooklyn, Office of Vocations
Fr. Christopher Bethge
Vocation Director
341 Highland Boulevard
Brooklyn, NY 11207